I co-founded Impossible Labs, Inc., a San Francisco For-Benefit Corporation focused on developing corporate climate innovation strategies within an open-science framework

Impossible Labs was founded based on the idea that “climate change is the biggest financial opportunity civilization has ever seen” and worked to spur the growth of climatetech in San Francisco, and around the world.

You can still visit the website at impossiblelabs.io


We pitched innovation labs to the likes of Embraer, Campbell’s, Procter and Gamble, and Volkswagen. We spoke at conferences like Go Youth! in Lisbon Portugal, SciComm at SwissNex San Francisco, and the Global Climate Action Summit in San Francisco.

We had the great fortune to support the Institute for the Future in their contract with the World Bank Climate Investment Fund, to create “a new story to spark the future of climate action.”

We also worked with a renewable energy and finance luminary to bring together the world’s atmospheric carbon removal innovators, and created the brand AirMiners. In 2021, AirMiners was selected as an official partner in the Elon Musk $100m Carbon Removal XPrize. I created the original ontology for the /explore tab of the website, as well as provided design and development input: airminers.org


Seed-to-Sale Hemp Tracking [Regenerative Agriculture, Cannabis Extraction & Formulation]


East River Park Resiliency [Coastal Resilience, Ecosystem Services]